
Definition of syllabus
Syllabus is a teaching and learning program on certain subjects. It includes competence of standard, basic competence, material, teaching and learning activity, indicator for assessment, assessment, time allocation, and source.

Some Principles of Syllabus Design
  1. Scientific. All materials and activities on syllabus should be valid and can be accountable scientifically.
  2. Relevant. The range, depth, difficulty level, and sequence of material presentation in syllabus are based on physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual development levels of students. 
  3. Systematic. Syllabus components are functionally interconnected in achieving the competence. 
  4. Consistent. It has consistent relation among basic competence, indicator, material, learning experience, source, and assessment system. 
  5. Sufficient. The range of indicator, material, learning experience, source, and assessment system is enough to support achieving basic competence. 
  6. Actual and Contextual. The range of indicator, material, learning experience, source, and assessment system considers the development of science, technology, and latest art in real life and happening events. 
  7. Flexible. The whole syllabus components are able to accommodate not only the diversity of students and teachers but also the dynamic of changes happening at school and society demand. 
  8. Comprehensive. Syllabus components cover whole competence domain (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor).
Time Unit of Syllabus
Syllabus is designed according to whole time allocation provided for the subject in unit of education.
Syllabus design considers time allocation per semester, per year, and time allocation of others subject in the same field.
The implementation of teaching and learning per semester uses syllabus pieces in accordance with Competence of Standard and Basic Competence for the subject and time allocation in curriculum structure.

Syllabus Designers
Syllabus design is able to do by teachers individually or in groups at a school or some schools, teacher committee, and education department.

Designing Syllabus Steps
  1. Investigating Competence of Standard and Basic Competence
  2. Identifying Materials considers:
  • Students’ potential;
  • Relevancy to area characterictics;
  • Physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual development levels of students;
  • Advantages for students;
  • Science structure;
  • Actuality, depth, and width of materials;
  • Relevancy to students’ need and environmental demand; and
  • Time allocation
     3.  Developing Teaching and Learning Activities. Things should be noted:
  • Teaching and Learning Activities are designed to help teachers to be able to conduct teaching and learning process professionally;
  • Teaching and Learning Activities includes series of activities which students have to do in a sequence to achieve the basic competence;
  • The sequence of the activities should fit the hierarchy of material concept;
  • The formula of statement consists of two features reflecting the management of students learning experience, such as students’ activities and materials.
     4.  Formulating Indicators. Indicator is a signal for the achievement of basic competence including
         affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. Besides, it is also used to be a basis to design assessment tools. 
         It is formulated in operational verbs like in Bloom’s taxonomy.

    5.  Determining Assessment. The assessment of basic competence mastering is conducted according 
        to indicators. It can be test and non test in form of written or spoken, performance observation, 
       attitude measurement, assessments of students’ works like assignment, project and/or product, 
       portfolio, and self assessment.

    6.  Determining Time Allocation 
    7.  Determining Sources. The sources can be from printed or electronic media, informant, physical, 
         natural, social, and cultural environment.

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Palita Ruhamaningtyas

I am an English teacher in SMA N 1 Pati who love to read and write. -You know my name, not my story. You know what I've done, not what I've been through. If you were on my shoes, you'd fall at the first step.- ^_^

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