Purpose: to express feelings and views of life. 
Language Features:
1.      Alliteration: same consonant letter or sound in two or more words that are close together, e.g. Betty Botter bought some butter
2.      Assonance: same vocal letter or sound in two or more words that are close together, e.g. I lie here, and cry, my eyes like fires
3.      Euphemism: a polite or less direct way of saying something, e.g. He was a stranger to the truth (He told lies); Her clothes have seen better these days (Her clothes are bad or old).
4.      Hyperbole: an exaggeration, e.g. Your face is shining like a sunshine. Her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining, Her hair falls perfectly without her trying.
5.      Onomatopoeia: using words that sounds like the action they represent, e.g. The click of his fingers, The hiss of a snake, Knock.. knock..
6.      Personification: describing non human things as though they were human, e.g. the bird sang, the leaves were calling me.
7.      Simile: To show similarity of two or more things: like, as if, as though: Her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining
8.      Metaphor: To show something is something else: is and are, e.g. They are shy, cold girl.
9.      Rhyme: same sound of the ending of each line
10.  Rhythm: the beat of a poem
11.  Rhetorical Question: doesn’t need answer, e.g What should I do but laugh and go?

Unique Types of Poem you would like to know:
1.      Acrostic poem: The first letter of the first words in each line spells the subjects of the poem.
2.      Limerick: There are 5 lines in it. Lines 1, 2, and 5 share the same rhyme and lines 3, 4 share the different rhyme (a a b b a).
3.      Haiku: A Japanese form of poetry that has 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third one has 5 syllables.
4.      Cinquain: There are 5 lines. Line 1 has 1 word, line 2 has 2 words, line 3 has 3 words, line 4 has 4 words, and line 5 has only 1 word.


The Man named Tim
There was a young man named Tim
Whose dad never taught him to swim
He fell off a Dock
And sunk like a rock
And that was the end of him

Make your own poem!

A frosty morning

Children sitting together
With Shoulders up high

Acrostic Poem:
Terrifying sound
High above
Noisy, so loud
Disturbing the peace
Electrical energy gone wild
Reverberating all around


shiny, sleepy
resting in sunshine
look at him closely


Acrostic poem:

-A true friend is someone who knows the lyric of your heart
and can sing it back for you when you forget about it-

Palita Ruhamaningtyas

I am an English teacher in SMA N 1 Pati who love to read and write. -You know my name, not my story. You know what I've done, not what I've been through. If you were on my shoes, you'd fall at the first step.- ^_^

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