Reading Exercises 1 (Narrative)

Read the text below. Pay attention to the structure of the text, then answer the questions.

Nyi Roro Kidul
No one denies that the goddess of the south sea is the queen Nyi Roro Kidul who lives exactly in Parangtritis in Central Java. She has green hair which fills of shells and seaweed. All Javanese adore and respect her. They never wear anything in green color whenever entering the sea for fear of offending Nyi Roro Kidul.
Before turning into a nymph, Nyi Roro Kidul was a young princess named Dewi Kandita, the daughter of King Mundangwangi and his first wife. Dewi Rembulan was beyond doubt. They were known for their beauty, kindness, and friendliness. People loved them. However, the misery of their lives began when Dewi Mutiara, another wife of King Mundangwangi, became envy and grew ambitious to become the first wife. She thought that by being the first wife, she would deserve full affection and attention from the King.
Dewi Mutiara’s dream came true when one day she bore a son that the King had been yearning for. Through the assistance of a witch, Dewi Mutiaea made Dewi Rembulan and Kandita suffer from strange disease with their bodies covered with scabies that created an odor of fish. The disease led them to be sent into exiled in the forest where later Dewi Rembulan died. After a long, hard, and helpless journey, Dewi Kandita eventually arrived at a beach where she met a young, handsome man who promised to cure his illness.
At the request of the young man, Dewi Kandita chased after him as he ran along the beach. When she reached the water, the man disappeared and to her surprise, all the scabies had disappeared. But, strangely, she could not move her legs. Half her body from the waist down had turn into the body of a fish.
Then she became a sea-nymph and locals believe that Nyi Roro Kidul is the manifestation of Dewi Kandita.

1.      What does the writer want by telling the story?
2.      Who are the characters in the story above?
3.      Who is the main character?
4.      What was Nyi Roro Kidul before turning into a nymph?
5.      Why do people never wear green clothes when they are at Parangtritis beach?

Read the story and study the generic structure and language features of this narrative story, and answer the questions.

Ali Baba and Forty Thieves
Language Features
-          Who
-          Where
-          When
Ali Baba, a poor woodcutter, happened to see and overheard a large band of thieves – forty in all – visiting their treasure store in the forest where he was
cutting wood. The thieves’ treasure was in a cave, the mouth of which was sealed by magic. It opened on the words “Open, Sesame” and sealed itself on the words “Close, Sesame.” When the thieves were gone, Ali Baba entered the cave himself and took some of the treasure home.
1.      Simple past tense: happened, overheard.
2.      Action verbs: cutting, opened, sealed.
3.      Linking verbs: was, were.
4.      Connective of time: when
Complication 1
A crisis arises
When Ali Baba’s rich brother, Kasim, found out about his brother’s unexpected wealth, Ali Baba told Kasim about the cave. Kasim went to the cave to take more of the treasure, but forgot the magic words to get back out of the cave, and the thieves found him there, and killed him. When his brother did not come back, Ali Baba went to the cave to look for him, and found the body, bringing it home.

Resolution 1
The crisis is resolved
With the help of Morgiana, a clever slave-girl in Kasim’s household, they were able to give Kasim a proper burial without arousing any suspicious about his death.

Complication 2
A crisis arises
The thieves, finding the body gone, realizes that somebody else mnust know their secret and set out to track him down. The first several times they were foiled by Morgiana, who was now a member of Ali Baba’s household. But, ventually they were able to ascertain the location of Ali Baba’s house.
The lead thief pretended to be an oil merchant in need of Ali Baba’s hospitality, bringing with him mules loaded with 40 oil jars, one filled with oil, the other 39 with the other thieves. Once Ali Baba was asleep, the thieves planed to kill him.

Resolution 2
The crisis is resolved
Again, Morgiana discovered and foiled the plan, killing the 39 thieves in their oil jars by puring boiling oil on them. When their leader came to rouse his men, he discovered that they were dead, and escaped.

Complication 3
A crisis arises
On another day, the lead thief, disguised as a merchant, befriended Ali Baba’s nephew and was invited to dinner at Ali Baba’s house.

Resolution 3
The crisis is resolved
He was recognized by Morgiana, who performed a dance with a dagger for the dinner and plunged it into the heart of the thief when was off his guard.

Thus, the story ended happily for everyone except the forty thieves and Ali Baba’s brother.

Understanding text structure:
1.      What does the writer want with the story?
2.      In which part does the writer identify the main character of the story?
3.      In which part does the writer identify the time and place where the story happened?
4.      Who are the characters in this story?
5.      Who is the main character?
6.      When did the story happen?
7.      Where did the story take place?
8.      What do you learn from the complication?
9.      What do you learn from the resolution?
10.  What moral do you learn from this story?

Understanding the content of the story:
11.  Who was Ali Baba?
12.  What did he usually do everyday in the woods?
13.  What did he find in the cave?
14.  How to open and close the cave?
15.  Why did Kasim die?
16.  How did the leader of the thieves try to kill Ali Baba?
17.  How did Morgiana foil the thieves’ plans?


Palita Ruhamaningtyas

I am an English teacher in SMA N 1 Pati who love to read and write. -You know my name, not my story. You know what I've done, not what I've been through. If you were on my shoes, you'd fall at the first step.- ^_^

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