What is TOEFL? TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. It is kind of test to measure the English competence in aca...
Archive for
Agustus 2012
Grammar Shit Shot
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English Games
Some students think that English is a difficult subject. Some think that it is not fun. Let's break the myth! Some years ago in m...
Grammar, Is it frightening?
When it comes to grammar session, students usually feel afraid and thoughtful. Here, I will try to provide simple, but comprehensible...
Greeting and Leave-Taking
GREETING Informal Greetings Hi / Hello How are you? What's up? (very informal) How are you doing? (very informal) It...
Speech Function
In this page, I will present you many language functions in English - the expressions and examples of the dialogue. Hopefully, the mate...
Listening Materials from British Council Website
Here are some listening materials with topics from “The British Council”: Air bus ( recording ) ( script and questions ) Alcohol Abuse ...
English Lesson Plan Semester 1
Here are some Lesson Plans that we have. Please Note that we have added the character building and EEC (Exploration, Elaboration, and Co...
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan is a written plan which describes teaching and learning procedures and organization performed to achieve certain basic com...
English Syllabus
English teachers in SHS No. 1 Pati have designed syllabuses completed with characters building for the three grades each semester...
Definition of syllabus Syllabus is a teaching and learning program on certain subjects. It includes competence of standard, basic c...
Semester Program
Semester Program is further development of Annual Program. It includes: Unit of Education (Satuan Pendidikan) Subject Grade Co...
Annual Program
In this page, I would like to provide you the annual program or what we also call year program. This program includes the plan of time a...